Sunday, January 31, 2016

Duke Williams and the Extremes: SOUL COWBOY

We recorded this as a back up track with lyrics to come later at the old Paramount Studios on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. The late Roger Dollarhide engineered. Duke Williams' amazing melody, Duke on keys, Corey Spagnolo on drums, Moses Wheelock on congas and after that I draw a blank. Date? 1982? 1983? It has a Floyd Cramer cowboy piano meets Otis Redding thing happening which is why I've named it SOUL COWBOY for this upload. Corey had it filed away as "paramount.mp3" and thought we were calling it "Cowboy Song." Produced by Duke Williams and me, Dennis Wilen.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

#TBT: My Robin Trower tape, next to David Bowie in the Sigma Sound vaults

The image is from the excellent WNYY/Newsworks article David Bowie's days amid the young Americans in Philly [photos].

I produced and recorded a live radio concert with guitarist Robin Trower, remote from Sigma Sound Studios, in Philadelphia, for radio station WMMR in 1974.

It sounded something like this...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I defeated an evil h@x0r and my friend's site is healthy again

I tracked down and eliminated malware on a friend's website tonight that redirected a popular page to a dubious pirated software site.

I still don't know how the evil script was inserted -- whether a person with legit access had his account compromised by evil-doers or the (seemingly) legit person snuck in the code (a cross-site scripting exploit) hoping no one would notice.

That person, good or bad, is no longer an administrator on the site.

It was doubly cool for me because I didn't know if my tech skills would be up to it AND I helped a friend out of a jam.

Should I try PowerBall again?