Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stardate 94464.1: What did you do today, Dennis Wilen, aka VOIDMSTR?

So my friend suggested I make a list of things I've accomplished during the day, instead of just crossing things off a to-do list.

1. Started at 6 am +/- with Twitter and Facebook social media cross-posting of the day's new POCHO content. Found out photo I thought was taken in Vegas was indeed taken in Vegas. Cross-posted a meme I had prepared last night.

2. Moderated comments/replies on POCHO and TACO TRUCK PARTY Facebook as needed.

3. Emailed producers of new LA-based web series with URL of the story I ran with their video.

4. Checked our bank account. Has an ad agency direct deposit for money we've been owed for months that was promised for November 5 arrived? It has not.

5. Three phone calls with three different reps and maybe 50 minutes re photographer web client's hosting company that broke our new site. Eventually convinced them not to charge us $100 for a "URL re-set" using my elite social engineering skills.

6. Sent sample ghostwritten blogs to a potential copyrighting client. 1. Second careers for boomers 2. Smart $ choices for your millennial wedding.

7. Rewrote/copy edited FAQ for specialized travel agency. Excerpt: "Frequently Asked Questions for Parents: We know you’ve got questions! Here are the answers to the questions you ask the most:" 2.5 hours on timesheet.

8. With the previously broken photographer's website back online and my renewed miraculous ability to login as administrator restored, I uploaded photos and built two new photo galleries, "Silhouettes" and "NYC." Removed passworded Nudes gallery from the main menu.

9. Continued curating, sourcing and producing stories for tomorrow's POCHO. Sought and got republish permission for an opinion piece from an associated blog, found an inspiring video from a friend of a friend's FB page and stumbled upon a Vimeo gem perfect for our audience. Generated art for each (need at least two instances per story), wrote copy, heads, links, tags, etc. via WordPress, double checked, tweaked, re-edited, and scheduled the blog posts for tomorrow.

10. More follow-up on FB page, Twitter

11. Lalo Alcaraz drops surprise Trump/wall toon from Miami where he has a gig so I do a rush post for POCHO plus Twitter and IG and FB with new toon.

12. Take walk. Regain sanity.

13. One more POCHO story.

14. More photographer tweaks.

15. New POCHO content for IG, and FB.

16. To be continued ....

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