Saturday, November 20, 2010

Another one bites the Patch

I'm pleased to announce I'll be joining the local operation next month.

If it all works out as planned, I'll be building, running and growing, here on Los Angeles' West Side.

The Brentwood neighborhood stretches from the Bel Air on the east, the San Fernando Valley on the north, Pacific Palisades to the west and Santa Monica and West Los Angeles to the south and is home to families and horses, small homes and huge estates, small business and big corporations, struggling college students and megamillionaires.

My aim -- as I detailed a year ago in this blog -- is to use the Web to give all my neighbors a voice online and that's exactly the business plan.  It's a perfect fit as far as I'm concerned!

I'm especially enthusiastic because is what's known as a "pure Internet play." The online presence is all there is; unlike my previous gigs as the Web guy for,,,,  there is no associated museum, newspaper, band/movie or art project underlying the site. We're electric, in the air, in the cloud 24/7.  No atoms, just electrons.

I don't know how much time I'll have for this blog, or hanging out on Facebook, but you know where to reach me. Until then, I hope your Thanksgiving will be as joyous as mine.

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